Gizela Węglarz-Dudys
EnglishAreas of Practice:
Attorney-at-law. In 2012 she received a law degree with distinction from the Law and Administration Faculty at Jagiellonian University in Kraków, ranking among the best students of the year. In her master’s thesis she focused on labour law. During her studies she was a member of the Civil Law Section in the TBSP students’ club and worked in a large law firm in Kraków. She has published papers on labour law. She has been with the Firm since 2012. In 2015 she completed her legal training at the District Chamber of Attorneys-at-Law in Katowice and in 2016 she was entered into the register of attorneys-at-law. She deals with civil law cases concerning compensation claims and insurance, private business law as well as labour law. In the Firm, she is the head of the litigation and compensation law section and a member of the labour law group. She provides comprehensive legal services to businesses (including HR area), as well as individual clients. She is highly successful in handling difficult and complex compensation proceedings and the proceedings against contract performance. She also carries out legal audits (due diligence). She speaks English.