Labour Law
The Labour Law team deals with both individual and collective labour law. We solve and clarify legal problems. Supporting our clients, we take into account their business needs and current legislation.
Intellectual Property Law
Our intellectual property team deals with various issues in the field of copyright and industrial property law. In particular, we register trademarks (with the Polish Patent Office, EUIPO and WIPO), as well as ensure their subsequent monitoring.
Data protection and privacy
Data protection is an area whose importance has been rapidly growing over the past years. Our Law Firm helps to ensure compliance of our Clients' activities with the relevant provisions, including GDPR - in particular through audits, preparation of relevant documentation, specialist training and providing services of a Data Protection Officer (DPO).
Company law and M&A transactions
The corporate law team consists of specialists providing legal advice on the construction and organisation of corporate structures, the development of long-term business strategies as well as advice on solving current legal problems.

Why us?
Comprehensive legal services require a combination of many factors. Customizing them and tailoring our services to suit the client’s needs translates into their success and satisfaction.
A variety of specialisations, experience and interests of our lawyers as well as collaborating with other businesses enable us to offer you legal services of the highest quality. We go to great lengths to ensure that every issue entrusted to us is resolved by a team of carefully selected specialists who each contribute to the development of a coherent and multifaceted solution. We are convinced that our offer will meet your expectations. We look forward to working with you.